Dhoomenaavriyate vahniryathaadarsho malena ca.
Yatholvenaavrito garbhastathaa tenedamaavritam
~ Bhagavadgita 3.38.
Meaning- Just like the fire is enveloped with the smoke, the mirror is covered
with the dirt and the embryo is covered by the womb so is this knowledge
covered with the passion.
Explanation- According to the Shastras there are three things that disturb the
soul. They are Mala, Vikshepa and Aavarana. The dirt or dust covers the glass
of a mirror. When a person wants to see his face in the mirror the dust covering
it does not allow him to see his face clearly. The dust on the glass blinds the
eyes and the person is unable to see his face. Likewise, when a person is
working under the influence of passion or anger he is unable to realize others
correctly. The soul is the doer. While doing any kind of work it most take the
help of the senses that become active only with the support of the mind. If the
mind is not connected with the particular sense the soul is unable to get the
correct information about the object.
For example, when a person is full of anger, he is unable to realize the person he
is speaking with. That is why an angered person forgets to see that he is talking
to his own father who has given him birth, brought him up in all these years to
reach this young age and helped him with money and other things to achieve the
knowledge that has enabled him to get a good job bringing him a good sum of
money. And the son flares up with such a father even on the smallest matters.
When he gets married and develops great affection for his wife, he is unable to
see the goodness of the advice given by his parents regarding his wife and asks
them to keep mum. Instead of improving and changing the conduct of his own
wife he asks his parents to stop giving any kind of good advice either to him or
his wife. So much so that when he has children and the parents advise them to
learn good things so they grow as cultured and civilized young men and women
he feels humiliated by his own parents and haughtily chides them to keep away
from his wife and children.
All these examples clearly show that the passions blind the people. That is why
we see a lot of conflicts going on in the families regarding the matters of the
marriage and other things concerned with education etc. The main reason
behind these clashes is nothing but the passion and feelings like desires, anger, hatred and jealousy etc. If the members of a family are more careful in the
mutual dealings and try to avoid this passion the families will be happy and ever
The second kind of disturbance is called Vikshepa. Let us have an example for
this. We see the moon reflecting in the waves of a river. The moon is stable in
the sky. It is not shaking. But we see the reflecting moon shaking in the river
water. Why is it so? Certainly, it is so due to the shaking waves of the water.
Similarly, we have shaking thoughts and ideas in our mind. It is because of the
waves of knowledge or information that raise the waves in our mind. We will
not have such shaking waves if our mind is stable. This state of mind we can
achieve through Yoga or meditation. With the help of this we are able to
concentrate our mind on a book or subject that stops the shaking mood of the
mind. When we are able to stabilize the mind whatever information we have
will be stable too. We shall have no doubts or suspicions in our minds.
The third thing is Aavarana. When we cover the mirror with a piece of cloth, we
are unable to see anything reflecting in it. We are totally blind. A number of
times we do not see the mistakes in our children or wife though our parents do
find them out in them. It is so because our mind is covered with the cloth of
Moham. Similarly, we are so many times covered with the cloth of ego and we
are unable to see our own mistakes. Sometimes our knowledge is sharpened
with the extreme light of Ahankaara and we are unable to see anything just like
the too sharp sunlight blinds us and we step on a big snake lying on the road.
All these things are due to Aavarana.
Shri Krishna here gives a very good answer to the question asked by Arjuna.
Kaama or passion is the darkness created by ignorance while Krodha or
Ahankaara are the products of too sharp light. Just like the darkness of
ignorance makes a man blind even so too much of the light of superiority or
Ahankar makes a person blind and both of such persons fall down in the pits of
Kama and Krodha and lose their senses. As, Shri Krishna says, the fire covered
with the smoke or ashes loses its spirit and is trampled even by children a
person covered with Kaama gets humiliated by anyone. Therefore, one should
try to avoid Kaama and Krodha. He should also see that his mind is never
covered with the dust or dirt that blinds him. This can be achieved with the help
of Yoga and Svaadhyaaya. This is how the mind of a person is made stable and