Q. Does it follow that even if a person thinks of God with a feeling of enmity, he attains a better life after death?
A. If one constantly thinks of God even with a feeling of lust, anger or enmity, a state of complete immersion in that though comes, which makes him one with God. ‘Sadhus’ say that hearing, singing etc. are the paths of a ‘Bhakta’, who has ‘Satvikk Gunas’. The feeling of enmity (also a form of ‘Bhakti-rasa’) is another path for those who are ‘Asuras’ with too much of ‘Raja-Guna’. Bopadeva has said that any ‘Bhakta’ of Vishnu gets (‘Raudra-rasa’) like Sisupala, Danta-Vakra, Ravana, Kumbhakarna,
Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashipu, all gained their fulfilment through ‘Raudra-rasa’.
Q. Well, the nine types of Bhakti have been described as xxx hearing, ‘Kirtana’ (singing), 'Smarana' (remembering),
'Padasevana' (serving the feet), ‘Archana’ (worshipping),
‘Vandana’ (singing praise), ‘Dasya’ (serving),
‘Sakhya’ (befriending) and ‘Atma-Nivedana’
(offering oneself completely). Later it is said that by ‘Sravana’ (hearing) alone all the sins are destroyed. Then why is ‘Kirtana’ called the best form of ‘Bhakti.
A. By ‘sravana’ (hearing), you only hear. But by ‘Kirtana’ you both sing and hear. Hence ‘Kirtana’ has been given the foremost place in ‘Bhakti’. But the first thing is ‘sravana’. A sinner’s tongue cannot sing ‘Naam’. When he sheds his sin by hearing ‘Naam’; then he gets the ability to do Kirtana’. Those who are great sinners, they do not even have the right to hear. They remain aloof from any talk of God. But if by any means ‘Naam’ gets into his ears, then it attracts him powerfully to itself.
“Bhrigu said — On hearing ‘Naam’ from Pushkar, the dwellers of hell were immediately freed from it.”
Q. They were freed as soon as they heard the ‘Naam’?
A. Yes, such is the power of ‘Naam’. After giving Diksha to a disciple, when latter falls at his feet, the Guru says: - “Oh my son, arise, you are ‘Mukta’ (free), be of correct behaviour”. As soon as the Guru gives ‘Diksha’, the disciple is immediately liberated. Just as fire consumes a heap of straw slowly and a heap of cotton-wool rapidly, the consciousness of liberation comes to some with delay and to others quickly. “As soon as a person receives ‘Mantra’, he becomes one with Narayana; ‘Mantra’ easily purifies hundreds of people.”
Q. Many people take ‘Mantra’; but only very few are found to have been relieved of their sorrows.
A. There is some delay in case of those who have been born with a large store of sins accumulated in their previous births. But ‘Naam’ does not desert even the worst sinners. ‘Naam’ gives him ‘Param Gati’ (liberation) after three births.
“As soon as a person receives ‘Mantra’, he becomes one with Narayana; ‘Mantra’ easily purifies hundreds of people.”
Q. Many people take ‘Mantra’; but only very few are found to have been relieved of their sorrows.
A. There is some delay in case of those who have been born with a large store of sins accumulated in their previous births. But ‘Naam’ does not desert even the worst sinners. ‘Naam’ gives him ‘Param Gati’ (liberation) after three births.
Ram, Ram, Sitaram |