The Mother Divine
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By Jyotishacharya Prof. Koosal Sen

Kamakhya in Kamarup described in ancient classical text as Pragjyotisapura is one of the holiest places on Indian soil where the female organ – Sati Yoni fell on dissection following the Atmadaha by Sati in the Daksayajna. It is considered as the leading Sakti Pitha among the fifty-one Pithas in India. The Yoni has been converted into the Pinda form by Lord Siva at the Nila Saila or the Blue Hills or Nila Chaitra.  

Pragjyotisapura or an ancient city for astrological and astronomical research or the present state of Assam is having a Navagraha temple on the eastern side of the ancient location Chitrachala Hill and it is believed to be the place where Lord Brahma started creation of all the stars.  
The Purana says it is these hills where all the three Supreme Gods - Lord Brahma, Lord Visnu, and Lord Siva have performed Tapasya to appease the Mother Power or the Matr-Sakti and as a result of their Tapasya the Blue Hills dwarfed in size from its original height.  

It is also mentioned that the Devi Kamakhya resides here with Lord Siva and is worshipped in various forms such as Kamakhya, Tripurasundari, Sarada Mahotsava or Kameswari, Lalita and Matangi representing the three Saktis – Mahalaksmi, Mahasaraswati, and Mahakali assuring fulfilment of all the desires or Caturbidha Phala-Prapti of the worshipper including Moksa as observed in Kubzikatantra.  

The Sakti Pitha Kamakhya is here since time not measurable in precise terms of years. The Purana records it being built by Lord Viswakarma and then known as Anandakhya.  

Another context refers to the temple being built by demon Narakasura following the instructions of the Devi Kamakhya herself. The historical records suggest that the Kamakhya Pitha has been built and rebuilt many a times between the Gupta dynasty and Ahom dynasty. The present Garbhagrha is estimated to be 2000 years old and the Upper Crust approximately dating back to 1500 years now. King Viswasinha, King Nara-Narayana and Chillaroy are referred to as the important kings and remodelers involved with the reconstruction of the Shrine.  

In Kamakhya-Tantra it is observed that the only way to get one’s fulfilment of all the worldly desires is to worship Yoni-Swarupa Devi Kamakhya.  

In Kamakhya, a world-famous annual celebration takes place known as ‘Ambubachee’ meaning that the Mother Protects when the Sun transits into Gemini and the third phase of Star Mrgasira corresponding to between 6th/7th of Asadha and 10th/11th of Asadha in the Suklapaksa of Hindu Calendar. During this period, the Kamakhya-Pitha is closed to devotees and the Mother Goddess is considered resting and there is a general restraint being observed throughout the State in the matters of Journeys, agricultural pursuits, study of Vedic scriptures, performing of religious rituals including Deity worshipping and sraddha or performing of annual rituals for the dead. This period of penance is called Bhumidaha.  

The term ‘Ambubachee’ is significant because of the twin words ‘Mother Protects’ and their spiritual references since the sastras describe seven forms of Mother such as Atmamata – own mother, Gurupatni – wife of Guru, Brahmani - wife of a Brahmin, Raja-Patni – the queen, Gaumata - the cow, Dhatri - the foster mother and Prthvi - the earth.  

And the protection has significant reference to the creative, generative and abundance of life requirements that the mother Nature provides for protection of humanity. The Hindu month of Asadha falls under the rainy season and a good and benevolent rain enriches and protects the humans from draught and poverty. A good rain means a good harvest and in a country like India which is primarily an agro based economy a good harvest stands for all round protection.  

During the period of ‘Ambubachee’ devotees not only from India but the world converge at Kamakhya to worship the Goddess Mother after the fourth day of penance when the Shrine reopens and the devotional worshipping is resumed.