On Shauch
Shauch is necessary. You must observe it, it’s necessary to
wash your hands and feet after passing urine etc. नहीं तो शनी की
दृष्टी लगती है (Nahin to Shani ki drishti lagati hai). Yes,
these planets, like Shani cast their evil glance and work through
unwashed mouth, hands and feet. That can bring bad luck. So, try and
maintain shauch
On Speech: Vachik Shuddhi
Q. Which is the way in which the mind and the tongue can be
The way to unify mind and the speech is
satya-nishthaa (faith in Truth). Hold fast onto the Truth.
Whatever is satya – that indeed is dharma. Haven’t
you seen that Sri Sri Thakur left behind a legacy by establishing
Satya Dharma Prachar Sangh (Association for Propagation of
Truth). Truth is Religion. Truth is God.
Satyam param dhimahi — “I meditate upon the Supreme Truth”.
Fundamentally, Truth alone is God. And what is the definition of
Truth? Truth is that which was there before, that which is there now
and that which will be there even in future. You will have to be a
votary of Truth. With Truth alone, the mind and the speech can
become one. It is important to understand what Truth is: Truth
consists in presenting as is, and in accord with reality, that which
has been seen, or heard, or whatever one has experienced. Remember,
if by revealing the Truth if anyone is hurt, anyone comes to a loss,
or if it creates unrest or dispute, then it is best that the Truth
is concealed. What’s more, if a false speech can save the life of a
being, then it’s not called false. Of course, in this context, the
false speech is calculated to serve a noble intent. Similarly, if by
making a truthful speech, someone is going to court damage, then
that no longer counts as truth. Because its intent is ignoble.
On Mauna
I will give you a trick to advance in spirituality. There is a
saying: “चुप में अमृत कूप”. It means stay silent because hidden in
the silence is nectar of immortality. मौनं सर्वार्थ साधनम्
(Manuam sarvarth sadhanam) You can achieve everything
precious with mauna, silence. It also means an entire
meaning can be conveyed through silence.
Dosh Darshan: Blessing of non-cursing
There used to be a great mahatma, a very holy man, he had a
disciple who was equally holy. This disciple never spoke ill of
anyone. He was forever busy in contemplating on God, performing
service to his Gurudeva and singing Hari Naam. One day a
man came and cursed this excellent disciple, he abused him with the
worst expletives but the disciple bore it patiently. When his Guru
heard of this, he was taken aback, shocked and upset.
‘Are you sure you didn’t say a word to him while he rained the
‘No Gurudeva, I did not say anything because you taught me not to
retort,’ the disciple declared.
Gurudeva appeared very, very concerned. The expression on his face
changed, he was seized by a strange trepidation.
‘Did you not curse him? You are sure you didn’t say a word to
counteract his abuses?’ he asked again.
‘Not a word!’ the disciple said and added, ‘But that’s what you
taught me — never speak ill of anyone. And if anyone speaks ill of
you, never return the abuse.’
‘You never said a word, O you never said a word. You should have
said something — one word at least!’ the Guru muttered with
‘I don’t understand what’s bothering you,’ the disciple asked,
‘I am worried about that man who abused you. You never said a word —
he will be finished. You are such a pure soul; you have not returned
his abuse, so he will be totally destroyed on account of his sin.
Oh! If you had said something to him, he would have been spared…he
would have been spared,’ said the Guru.
Then the disciple said a little ill of that man to save him from
ruin and relieved his Gurudeva of his concern.
Beware of whose Leela Chintan you are doing! You are
telling me things about various people. Negative things. Long
accounts of how such and such person is shirking from duties and how
such and such person is selfish, egocentric, unfeeling,
argumentative, a nuisance-maker etc. Thank you very much, but think!
Why are you wasting your energy in this? Character analysis is not a
very profitable activity. We are all here to do
leela chintan. We are here to delve on the wondrous divine
sports of God and Gurudeva. Stick to it. Do
leela chintan of Thakur. Do leela chintan of your
Ishta Deva. Looks like you have forgotten the main thing and you’re
caught up in leela chintan of people around you. Stop.
Go back to what you should be doing… leela chintan of
On Upakara (Gratitude)
“I cannot forget the service of this disciple has rendered. There
was no one to help at the time we began this whole thing. He was the
one who initiated everything, did everything the way he could. And I
cannot be ungrateful. Kadaachit upakaarena kritenaikena tushyati, na
smarataa apakaaraanam shatam pyaatmavattyaa. (It was not for
Bhagawan Ram to remember a hundred harms but he conscientiously made
it a point to recall and be grateful for even a single good
— (Sri Sri Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda 1/11)
I follow him in this regard.”
Q. Would you mind saying a few words about chitta jaya?
A: Chitta Jaya is a very short term but
the road to its accomplishment is equally and arduously long.
Vitthal Maharaj was in Vellore for his treatment; his disciples went
to bring him to Bangalore for a few days of rest. One of them was
holding fast to a sankalpa of singing Hare Krishna Naam. They waited
in his room singing Naam. He had gone to the hospital to see the
doctor for one last time. When he returned, he heard the strains of
Naam in the room. “Wah! Wah! Naam...” said he, overjoyed. His face
was glowing despite all the illness. He had shaved his head
recently. Now, he poured few tumblers of water on his head and
freshened up.
Q. Can you explain it in brief?
When one remembers Sri Sri Gurudeva with this sentiment: ‘I have
nothing to gain from the world, I seek Sri Thakur alone and nothing
else’, chitta spandan and pravava spandan become
one i.e. the vibrations of the chitta (one’s mind) and
vibrations of pranava (cosmic mind) unite. That’s when
chitta jaya, victory over the mind is achieved. Just
surrender and He will do everything.
Q. What do you mean – “He will do everything?”
A. Why? Do you doubt? Leave alone victory over the
senses, mind etc., he has said: “Have refuge with me, I’ll rid you
of all sins.” Keep on chanting Ram Ram relentlessly, write
Ram Naam, that alone will convince you that He has
undertaken all your burden. Chitta Shuddhi will happen on
its own.
On Omkar
“No…‘Aum’ is not to be joined to any mantra.
‘Aum’ is so powerful a word that it will magnify greatly
the inherent tendencies in your nature. As long as you are not free
of the kleshas (spiritual afflictions or negative mind
sets), you should not chant this powerful word. As you get rid of
the impure tendencies through japa, the sound
‘Aum’ will dawn of its own.
Thakur spoke of Omkara state when the mantra is
dissolved into the Mother Sound, ‘Aum’. It’s not a fancy.
It’s a realization which has been experienced by many.
Omkara darshan is a profound thing. One hears
Omkara. One sees Omkara. One feels