The Mother Divine
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Excerpts from FEAR NOT
-Sri Sri Sitaramdas Omkarnath
Sri Sri Sitaramdas Omkarnath

Jai Guru
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Fear Not

Dearest child dispossessed of thine ownself! To grant assurance is My precise pledge. Let anybody come, let him take refuge in Me and lift him up into My bosom and absorb him. Saying just once ‘I’m Thine’ be at rest in life and death.
The very day I gave you My Name in the role of Guru, I offered you My Ownself you know; it’s Myself you’ve had, O beloved! The necklace is round the neck, run no more about. The lotus in your heart is My soft couch. Seated there I’ve been calling you constantly: Come, come back, come back home.
Listen dearest! The Name is devotion, the Name is ecstasy, the Name is love. ‘I Myself am the Name, the Name is Myself.’ You’ve had Me in the form of the Name. Fear no more. The Name is the object of meditation, the Name is the act of meditation, the Name is the object of spiritual exercise, the Name is the act of spiritual exercise, the Name is the process, the Name is the product, the Name is the recipient, the Name is the object of worship, the Name is the act of worship, the Name is offered in worship. Look, dear! I’m very fond of the tears shed by the devotee whose heart has been dissolved and who wears the visible wreath of ecstatic thrill. With tears of the eyes, say the Name, say the Name, offering the Name in worship.

Fear Not!   Fear Not!   Fear Not!
Jai Guru
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Fear Not
O Dearest, darling of delight! Only take refuge in Me, I’ll do away with all your afflictions.

Weeping, eh, for want of food and drink, for want of funds, in the grip of disease and grief? Well, it’s all a call from Me: I’ve been calling you. Say the Name without a break. I’ll wipe the tears shed by you in the dream miscalled life and take you to the realm of truth and bliss.

Shuddering at the orgies of horror and destruction around? Listen! What causes destruction is not the crumbling of a hill, not earthquake or flood etc: it’s—I that play the game of destruction in all those forms. If to create, ‘to be born and be many’ is My will, to destroy is equally My will. That too is called for now. Straying, wailing child chasing will-o’-the-wisp! Come back; come back to the beautifully illuminated peaceful way of the Shastras. Look, dear! If you disobey the perennial laws of the Shastras, you can never have fulfilment, peace and bliss.

Look here! A devotee who says the Name comes to no harm. Birth and death, decline and dotage, disease, these can have no fear for him. Say My Name devoutly or disdainfully and I’ll pardon crores of your lapses. Say the Name,say the Name.

Fear Not!   Fear Not!   Fear Not!
Jai Guru

Srimate Ramanujaya Namah Srimate Ramanandaya Namah

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Fear Not

O Dearest! It is for the sinner that I’ve come down as the Name. It is to extend grace to the unrestrained, to the slaves of lust, anger, greed, infatuation etc that I’ve incarnated Myself as the Name. However sinful, however materially covetous you may be, rest assured, I’ll relieve you of all your sins and make you all bliss. Try just to hold Me and you’ve nothing else to do. I’ll absorb you Myself and will go on dancing within and without you. Only say Hare Krishna Naam. That’ll suffice. Away will go for ever your ego; disease, grief, want, pain, anguish; those three gates of hell, lust, anger and greed. Walls of bliss will sprout up around. Bursting out of the earth, will flow a fountain of bliss. The skies will begin to pour bliss incessantly. The people of whatever village or town you live in will roll in bliss. I demand no devotion or faith, no, not a drop of it: I’ve infinite faith, devotion, reverence and love at My disposal. Only say the Name, say the Name.

Fear Not!   Fear Not!   Fear Not!
Sri Sri Gurave Namah

Srimate Ramanujaya Namah Srimate Ramanandaya Namah

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare “
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Fear Not

Oh, I’ve been calling you incessantly! Doing away with your dis­ease, grief, pain, distress, torment and anguish, I’ll keep you for ever immersed in the sea of supreme bliss, which is why I’ve been calling you every moment from the inmost core of your heart, saying, ‘Come Come Come’.

O My darling of delight! Pray don’t remain oblivious of Me anymore. O you, dearer to Me than life itself! It’s not you alone that weep with anguish in the throes of life; I too weep with you and say: ‘Call Me, O call Me’; I will do away with all your pain, I will, I will, I will. In birth as in death I’m your constant mate, you know, even as life itself; the lotus in your heart, as you know, is My eternal abode, I never quit your heart for even a split second.

Call, Call: Say the Name, say the Name. My Name shall fill you, within and without, with light, thrill and delight; listening to the tinkle of My anklet and to the notes of My flute, you’ll see Me, be immersed in Me. ‘I exist, he who says the Name can see me, I absorb the devotee’: this is immutable truth. Only say the Name, say the Name, say the Name.

Fear Not!   Fear Not!   Fear Not!

Standing or sitting, eating or going to bed
He who mutters the Name constantly is soon redeemed.

Jai Guru
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Fear Not

O Most Desired, Darling of Delight! Beloved! Wipe, wipe your eyes. To do away with your disease, sorrow, pain, want and anguish I’ve come as the Name. As a fish I saved the Vedas, as a tortoise I held Mandar hill, as a boar I slew Hiranyaksha, as Lion-man I destroyed Hiranyakashipu, as a dwarf I duped Bali, as Parashuram I exterminated Kshatriyas twen­tyone times, as Ram I killed Ravan, as Balaram I killed Pralamba and Dwibidha, as Krishna I restored dharma, to protect the deeply devoted Draupadi from shame I appeared as cloth, to beguile asuras I took the form of Buddha, I exist on earth as Jagannath, Biswanath, Baidyanath and Ranganath to rescue crores and crores of sinners. Now I have come down, the very same I, as the Name Incarnate. Come, come, poor victims of the sinful age! It’s for you I’ve assumed the form of the Name; please—please—take the Name please—take the Name please. There’s no need for renunciation, restraint, discrimination of the pure and the impure and of time and place. Say the Name anywhere, anywhen, anyhow; your disease, pain and want shall end, you shall be lost in the sea of bliss. O, O dearest! O self -dispossessed! You and I are identical, as the sea and its waves are, as the sun and its rays, as moon and moonbeam happen to be: it is in My bosom you’ve been at play. Please—please—take the Name please. Say the Name, say the Name, come back to your own self, the supreme self that is existence, consciousness and bliss. Say the Name, say the Name, say the Name.

Fear Not!   Fear Not!   Fear Not!

Jai Guru
Srimate Ramanujaya Namah Srimate Ramanandaya Namah
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Fear Not
To rescue My anguished children
I’ve come down as the Name divine.
He who seeks refuge, without or with faith,
Is blest with both assurance and beatitude.
Yoga yaga jnan dhyan sadhan bhajan:
My devotee can dispense with all these.
With japa of Name he becomes Name all over,
Away go lust, anger, greed, sloth, enemies all.
The world for him becomes the World’s Lord,
Love’s sea swells within his soul.
He bows always, wild with delight;
Sings the Name, transported, uplifting both hands.
Fatigued and worn-out. Sinner cum sufferer,
Hurry up, be not late, time flies fast.
As you eat and go to bed, sing even the Name:
Him you shall see, the soul’s solace, the Same.
